Fuad Nimri Writings


After the death of Stalin, March 1953, national decision-making  was transferred from communist party leadership to army  leadership. This  was  ascertained  by  the  removal  of  Georgy  Malenkov from the General Secretary of the Communist Party , Sept.14,1953, to appoint instead Nikita  Khrushchev  the  collaborator with the  strong  military  people  in  the  leadership  of  the  army  especially  Marshal  Of  The  Soviet  Union  Georgy  Jukov. From that damned day the Soviet Union ceased to be the world center of socialistic revolution. The apostasy of the  soviet  army –leadership from  socialism  and  the  principles  of  Marxism – Leninism  was  well clear in  the  party  successive  general  conferences  20, 21, 22, and  the  revisions  Marxism - Leninism  uttered  by  Khrushchev  therein. The renegade was well represented  by the  military  coup  against the  Six  Bolsheviks  in  the  Political  Bureau  of  the  party (the  Presidium), Malenkov, Molotov, Bulganin, Voroshilov, Kaganovich, Shebilov, who formed  half  its members, and  were  discharged  from  the  Bureau accordingly  and  later on from the party.

In  the  dark  epoch of apostasy ,  there  prevailed  a  frenzied  attack  against Stalin accompanied by a mad  cry  for, what  it is called,  renewal and modernization of  Marxism, a  cry  that  targeted  just  to  bestow  legality  on  the  apostasy  from  socialism  and   justify indirectly the existing deteriorative status-quo in the  previously  socialist countries which constantly disintegrate  at  all levels.  The revisionist  and  renegade  mad  cry  out cried    by  Khrushchev in  the  fifties  of  the  twentieth  century  following  the  steps  of  the  most  notorious  renegade  and  enemy  of  the  proletariat  and  Lenin,  Edward  Bernstein, is  still  resounding  nowadays calling for what is said the renewal and  modernization,  and  sometimes  adaptation or localisation,  of  Marxism.

All the times, people  used  to  confirm  that  there can never    be an absolute  truth. That is  not true.  Dialectics  is  an  absolute  truth. Due to  the  essence  of  the  matter,  which  is  dialectics  or  the constant conflict  between  the opposites  coexistent  in  every  unity, the Big  Bang  occurred  and  the cosmos expanded  in  galaxies  as  it  is  seen  today. It  will  shrink  in  the  far  future,  and  begin  in  fading  till  about  vanishing  due  to  dialectics  also.  Cosmos  will  vanish  in  its  form  of  matter  but  not  of  energy.  All  matter  in  the  universe  will  change  into  energy  according  to  Einstein  equation :  E =  MC2 .  The  opposites  in  the  resulting  immensible  quantity  of  energy  commence  to  lose  constantly  the  power  of  conflict  and  duly  draw  in  and  wane  during  tens  of  billions  of  years  till  the  whole  size  of  it  becomes  as  a  pea  size  as some  cosmophysists find out.

 Karl Marx built  his own architectures  of  philosophy,  economics  and  social history on basis of  the Absolute Truth, which  is  Dialectics. That's why Lenin described Marxism being totally  correct, and upon which he erected  his really wonderful venture of World Socialist Revolution in the Weak Ring, Russia, as only a start . Lenin's World Socialist Revolution was able to re-form  the whole twentieth century's world, even its hybrid of today, despite its cons and pros.

Karl Marx and Fredrik Engels called for building up on their consummate architecture. The real object of those who call for developing and modernization of Marxism is actually to pull down Marxism and make it unsteady and eventually unreliable. We, in this website, testify the same testimony of Lenin regarding the absolute correctness of Marxism, and do our best to build thereupon our whole works.

After the death of Stalin, March 1953, national decision-making  was transferred from communist party leadership to army  leadership. This  was  ascertained  by  the  removal  of  Georgy  Malenkov from the General Secretary of the Communist Party , Sept.14,1953, to appoint instead Nikita  Khrushchev  the  collaborator with the  strong  military  people  in  the  leadership  of  the  army  especially  Marshal  Of  The  Soviet  Union  Georgy  Jukov. From that damned day the Soviet Union ceased to be the world center of socialistic revolution. The apostasy of the  soviet  army –leadership from  socialism  and  the  principles  of  Marxism – Leninism  was  well clear in  the  party  successive  general  conferences  20, 21, 22, and  the  revisions  Marxism - Leninism  uttered  by  Khrushchev  therein. The renegade was well represented  by the  military  coup  against the  Six  Bolsheviks  in  the  Political  Bureau  of  the  party (the  Presidium), Malenkov, Molotov, Bulganin, Voroshilov, Kaganovich, Shebilov, who formed  half  its members, and  were  discharged  from  the  Bureau accordingly  and  later on from the party.

In  the  dark  epoch of apostasy ,  there  prevailed  a  frenzied  attack  against Stalin accompanied by a mad  cry  for, what  it is called,  renewal and modernization of  Marxism, a  cry  that  targeted  just  to  bestow  legality  on  the  apostasy  from  socialism  and   justify indirectly the existing deteriorative status-quo in the  previously  socialist countries which constantly disintegrate  at  all levels.  The revisionist  and  renegade  mad  cry  out cried    by  Khrushchev in  the  fifties  of  the  twentieth  century  following  the  steps  of  the  most  notorious  renegade  and  enemy  of  the  proletariat  and  Lenin,  Edward  Bernstein, is  still  resounding  nowadays calling for what is said the renewal and  modernization,  and  sometimes  adaptation or localisation,  of  Marxism.

All the times, people  used  to  confirm  that  there can never    be an absolute  truth. That is  not true.  Dialectics  is  an  absolute  truth. Due to  the  essence  of  the  matter,  which  is  dialectics  or  the constant conflict  between  the opposites  coexistent  in  every  unity, the Big  Bang  occurred  and  the cosmos expanded  in  galaxies  as  it  is  seen  today. It  will  shrink  in  the  far  future,  and  begin  in  fading  till  about  vanishing  due  to  dialectics  also.  Cosmos  will  vanish  in  its  form  of  matter  but  not  of  energy.  All  matter  in  the  universe  will  change  into  energy  according  to  Einstein  equation :  E =  MC2 .  The  opposites  in  the  resulting  immensible  quantity  of  energy  commence  to  lose  constantly  the  power  of  conflict  and  duly  draw  in  and  wane  during  tens  of  billions  of  years  till  the  whole  size  of  it  becomes  as  a  pea  size  as some  cosmophysists find out.

Karl Marx built  his own architectures  of  philosophy,  economics  and  social history on basis of  the Absolute Truth, which  is  Dialectics. That's why Lenin described Marxism being totally  correct, and upon which he erected  his really wonderful venture of World Socialist Revolution in the Weak Ring, Russia, as only a start . Lenin's World Socialist Revolution was able to re-form  the whole twentieth century's world, even its hybrid of today, despite its cons and pros.

Karl Marx and Fredrik Engels called for building up on their consummate architecture. The real object of those who call for developing and modernization of Marxism is actually to pull down Marxism and make it unsteady and eventually unreliable. We, in this website, testify the same testimony of Lenin regarding the absolute correctness of Marxism, and do our best to build thereupon our whole works.


Fuad Nimri    

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